Home » The rules & rituals of an asado

The rules & rituals of an asado

by Squeeze Experiences
| July 31st, 2018,

Beware of Vultures (and be kind to them!)

‘Vultures’ are the friends that hang out around the grill waiting for the asador to cut a piece of meat and get a “taste”…

“Keep an eye on the grill”

If the asador tells you these words, that means exactly that. Just look at it and make sure a dinosaur does not fly in and steal the meat. Keeping an eye on the grill does not give you permission to touch ANYTHING on the grill…not even the wood!

“It’s OK to touch my wife, just don’t touch my grill”

This is not an official asado phrase but it should be. Touching an Argentines grill while he is cooking an asado is like asking for a fight!

Ball Busting

This is the national past time of most Argentines. They love to “bust your balls” or simply put, give you sh*t, about everything. And what better time to bust your balls than while you are cooking there meat.

Un Aplauso Para El Asador

meaning, “Lets applause the asador for his hard work.” When the asador initially serves the first cuts of meat to everyone, everyone claps theirs hands to acknowledge the hard work he has done. Also a good time for a toast!


By Chef Angelo Gonzalez

Angelo profile pictureHaving moved to Mendoza a few years ago after leaving his beloved New York, Angelo Gonzalez has been mastering the art of a good asado since. Trained in Caribbean cooking, Angelo likes to pull together the best of Argentine flavours with a Latin American twist in his own closed door restaurant in Mendoza – Al Pasillo.

Do you want to learn how to perfect an Argentine asado? Try out our cooking experience with Chef Angelo Gonzalez.


This is part of the asado series, check out some of the other articles here:

Meat: The Main Ingredient!

Argentine Asado: The Ancient Fire Show

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