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Policy on samples, advertising & editorial

by Amanda Barnes

The South America Wine Guide is an independent publication created and owned by Amanda Barnes with contributing writers, photographers, experts and creators from different regions in South America. 

First and foremost, we like to talk to, visit and help promote wine producers in South America. Our policy will always be to have an open and personal relationship with producers and to get to know the people, the land and the wine as best we can in order to communicate that to our readers.

All the opinions expressed are personal to the author, as stated in the post or author attribution.

Policy on wine samples, wineries and advertising

We do not accept payment for reviews or payment to taste wines. Wine samples (solicited or unsolicited) may or may not be featured in South America Wine Guide, as determined by the taster and editor. We will only feature wines which are very good or outstanding in their category (considered 90+ points on a 100 point scale) and which we believe add something to the narrative of the South American wine scene. We do not feature or openly criticise wines that are not to our liking.

When we taste wines, we usually know what we are tasting (i.e. the producer, region, variety etc.). If this is not the case, we will specifically state that. How a sample has been tasted is stated clearly on the tasting note and the opinion expressed is the personal opinion of the taster. We reserve the right to change, update or remove a wine recommendation at any given time without notice.

We provide a free listing for wine producers in South America in our Winery Guide online. For extended listings (with more detail on the wines, winemaker, winery and vineyard) we ask the winery for a modest contribution to help with website maintenance costs. This does not affect who or what we write about and we will neither reward any winery for its financial contribution nor penalise any winery or producer for not making a financial contribution in terms of future articles.

Guides and listings are written by one of the contributing writers of South America Wine Guide, not by the wineries or wine producers.

Any sponsored posts, collaborations, advertisements or promotions on social media, the website and/or published guide will be clearly stated as such.

Social media posts are at the discretion of the editor.

Writers of the South America Wine Guide are permitted to accept free accommodation, meals, wine and travel from wineries or otherwise. The inclusion of any such experience will be at the discretion of the writer and there is no guarantee it will be included in any posts on social media, online or in the published guide. 

For more information, please get in touch. We promise we don’t bite!