Home » Casablanca celebrates its top tourism picks for 2016!

Casablanca celebrates its top tourism picks for 2016!

by Amanda Barnes
| July 31st, 2018,

As one of the newly elected Great Wine Capitals, Casablanca and Valparaiso celebrated their second year of the annual Best of Tourism Awards at the end of October. Wineries and tourism operations in and around Casablanca competed to take home the coveted awards which range from Best Winery Restaurant, and Best Accommodation, to Innovative Tourism Experiences, and Art and Culture.

In a formal gala evening the Mayor of Casablanca, the Casablanca Valley Association and Municipality of Valparaiso and Casablanca hosted the gala evening in Indomita winery where press and industry bods were invited. A wine paired dinner and jazz musicians opened the evening, and it finished with the highly-anticipated awards. Drumroll please…

Best of Tourism Awards - casablanca

Best Accommodation

Viǹƒamar CasablancaViña Viñamar



Best Wine Tourism Restaurant

Restaurant viǹƒa Indomita - onlineFirst Place Restaurante de Viña IndĂ³mita

Second Place Viña Casas del Bosque 

Third Place Viña Matetic


Best Architecture and Landscaping

viǹƒa casas del bosque - onlineFirst Place Viña Casas del Bosque

Second Place Kingston Vineyards

Third Place Viña IndĂ³mita


Best Art & Culture

estancia el cuadroFirst Place Estancia El Cuadro

Second Place Miely


Most Innovative Wine Tourism Experience

vina indomitaFirst Place Viña IndĂ³mita

Second Place Estancia El Cuadro

Third Place Viña Emiliana


Best Services Related to Wine

Vina Indomita experiencesFirst Place Viña IndĂ³mita

Second Place Viña Quintay

Third Place Viña Emiliana


Most Sustainable Wine Practices

vina emilianaFirst Place Viña Emiliana

Second Place Viña Casas del Bosque

Third Place Miely

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